viernes, 20 de enero de 2017

Zika Training for Healthcare Providers | Zika virus | CDC

Zika Training for Healthcare Providers | Zika virus | CDC

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC twenty four seven. Saving Lives, Protecting People

Zika Training for Healthcare Providers

Grand Rounds Presentations

 Grand Rounds: Zika Virus and Pregnancy presentation cover thumbnail

Zika Virus and Pregnancy

CDC developed slides and a facilitation guide about Zika virus for obstetric healthcare providers that can be used for grand rounds and other presentations. This presentation covers the following topics
  • Epidemiology and clinical manifestation, and clinical management of Zika
  • CDC interim guidance on diagnosing and testing for Zika
  • Protecting pregnant women from Zika
  • Preventing transmission of Zika virus in labor and delivery settings
  • CDC activities
 Zika Virus and Infants: A Primer fact sheet thumbnail

Zika Virus and Infants: A Primer

CDC developed slides and a facilitation guide about Zika virus for pediatricians that can be used for grand rounds and other presentations. This presentation covers the following topics
  • Epidemiology, clinical manifestation, and clinical management of Zika
  • CDC guidance on diagnosing and testing for Zika
  • CDC guidance on treatment of infants with abnormalities consistent with congenital Zika syndrome
  • Protecting infants and children from Zika
  • CDC activities

Zika Education

Measuring a baby's head

Measuring Infant Head Circumference: An instructional video for healthcare providers

This video demonstrates how to measure the head circumference of an infant. Measuring head circumference is a primary way to determine the presence of microcephaly, which is important during this Zika outbreak. It is intended to help clinicians evaluate babies born to mothers infected with Zika virus.
 Preparing for Zika Transmission in the U.S. video thumbnail

CDC/AMA Webinar: Preparing for Zika Transmission in the US

CDC Medical Epidemiologist Susan Hills, MBBS, MTH, presents an update on the epidemiologic and clinical aspects of the Zika outbreak. CDC Medical Officer Kiran Perkins, MD, MPH, also presents on the implications for pregnant women, including CDC's updated interim clinical guidance.
Photo of a newborn

Webcast: Clinical Evaluation & Management of Infants with Congenital Zika Infection (July 21 and July 22, 2016)

During this meeting, pediatric health specialists, non-governmental partners, and federal officials gathered at CDC to discuss clinical evaluation and management of infants with congenital Zika virus infection in the United States. CDC considered discussions on clinical evaluation and management when developing interim guidance for healthcare providers.
MMWR - Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR)

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR)

A list of all published Zika-related reports. Continuing education is available for all MMWR reports.
 Zika Virus: Information for Clinicians

Zika Virus: Information for Clinicians

Information for clinicians on Zika virus epidemiology, diagnoses and testing, case reporting, and clinical guidance and patient management.
CDC TRAIN - Zika Training Activities

CDC TRAIN - Zika Training Activities

CDC TRAIN provides free access to thousands of courses, more than 1,000 of which were developed by CDC programs and funded partners. Courses in CDC TRAIN are available on a wide array of public health and health care topics and in a variety of formats, including classroom training, webinars, and online self-study options. Many offer free continuing education. These links do not constitute an endorsement by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Only courses offered by CDC Course Providers have been verified and approved by CDC.

Patient Care

Doctor Cono's interview on Platform Q Health: A CDC Update for Clinicians on Zika Virus Disease

A CDC Update for Clinicians on Zika Virus Disease (video)

Dr. Joanne Cono, MD, ScM, Director of the Office of Science Quality of the CDC gave a live presentation regarding the latest Zika information available and answered a myriad of questions from your fellow health care practitioners.
Screenshot of Matt Karwowski, MD MPH

Zika for Pediatricians: Critical Update (video)

Dr. Matt Karwowski, a pediatrician with the Pregnancy and Birth Defects Team for CDC's 2016 Zika Virus Response, reviews what we know about Zika virus and congenital microcephaly and other birth defects. He also discusses CDC's guidelines for healthcare providers caring for infants and children with possible Zika virus infection.
Screenshot of a medscape video featuring Dr. Obuyebo.

Medscape Expert Commentary: Advising Pregnant Women About Zika (video)

Dr. Titilope Oduyebo, an obstetrician-gynecologist from CDC’s Pregnancy and Birth Defects team, gives key insight into the Zika virus. She discusses what we know about Zika virus infection during pregnancy, and reviews CDC’s current recommendations for screening, testing, and management of women with possible Zika virus exposure.
Margaret Lampe, RN, MPH

US Zika Pregnancy Registry: How to Participate

Margaret Lampe, RN, MPH, a nurse scientist with the Pregnancy and Birth Defects Task Force for CDC's 2016 Zika virus response shares an overview of the US Zika Pregnancy Registry and how to participate.

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