05/24/2017 03:24 PM EDT
Looking for an old NCBI News story? Check the NCBI News Archive on the Bookshelf. You can browse or search the archive for every News posting we’ve made – in our history!
05/24/2017 03:00 PM EDT
Ever since the Director of the National Library of Medicine Dr. Patricia Flatley Brennan wrote in a blog post, “I’m all for the ‘rock star’ librarian idea,” we’ve been onboard. This week, we’re bringing you more profiles of some of the current rock stars in the field. You can also see what you’ve missed in our earlier…
05/24/2017 02:44 PM EDT
On June 7, 2017, NCBI staff will show you how to use PubChem’s Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) to find the most relevant chemical safety information including flammability, toxicity, exposure limits and symptoms, first aid, handling and clean up. Date … Continue reading 
05/24/2017 01:09 PM EDT
IgBLAST 1.7.0 release A new version of IgBLAST is now available on FTP, with the following new features: Specify whether overlapping nucleotides at VDJ junctions are allowed in matching V, D, and J genes. Set a custom J gene mismatch … Continue reading 
05/24/2017 11:00 AM EDT
By Susan Speaker ~ On May 18, 1917, the Base Hospital #4 group arrived in Liverpool on the HMS Orduna. They were the first of
05/24/2017 12:23 AM EDT
MedlinePlus: Reflujo gastroesofágico en bebés
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