viernes, 26 de abril de 2019

Medical News | Medical Articles | Pregnancy / Maternal Health - Apr 23, 2019 Edition

Medical News | Medical Articles

 April 23, 2019 
 Pregnancy / Maternal Health 
 The latest pregnancy / maternal health news from News Medical 
 Early molecular signs of high-risk pregnancy revealedEarly molecular signs of high-risk pregnancy revealed
Women who have healthy pregnancies tend to show distinct changes in the activities of immune genes starting early in pregnancy, while women who have complicated pregnancies tend to show clear departures from that pattern, according to a new study from a team led by researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine and Hospital for Special Surgery.
   Gut bacteria and pregnancyGut bacteria and pregnancy
Researchers from Bar-Ilan University have found that with pregnancy there is a change in the composition of gut bacteria in women. This could be associated with the changing hormonal status they speculate. The results of their study titled, “Progesterone Increases Bifidobacterium Relative Abundance during Late Pregnancy,” were published in the latest issue of the journal Cell Reports.
   Study of pregnant women with lupus identifies early indicators of pregnancy complicationsStudy of pregnant women with lupus identifies early indicators of pregnancy complications
A study of pregnant women with systemic lupus erythematosus has identified early changes in the RNA molecules present in the blood that could be used to determine the likelihood of them developing preeclampsia.
 Gestational diabetes during pregnancy may increase risk of type 1 diabetes in children
Gestational diabetes during pregnancy may increase risk of type 1 diabetes in childrenChildren of mothers who had gestational diabetes during pregnancy could be at increased risk of type 1 diabetes themselves, according to a new study led by a team at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre that was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
 New study provides overview of potential risks of vaccinating breastfeeding women
New study provides overview of potential risks of vaccinating breastfeeding womenIn light of the continuing anti-vaccination movement, a provocative new article provides a comprehensive overview of the potential risks of vaccinating breastfeeding women. The article, which determined that only smallpox vaccine and, in some circumstances yellow fever vaccine, are the only vaccines having the potential to cause harm to infants, is published in Breastfeeding Medicine.
 Study: Online diet goal-setting helped pregnant women achieve healthy weight gain
Study: Online diet goal-setting helped pregnant women achieve healthy weight gainExcessive weight gain during pregnancy increases the risk of obesity in both mothers and babies. To avoid dangerous gestational weight gain, it is important to identify effective tools for behavior change.
 Pregnant women can lower risk of stillbirth by sleeping on their side, shows research
Pregnant women can lower risk of stillbirth by sleeping on their side, shows researchRESEARCH spearheaded by a University of Huddersfield lecturer has shown that pregnant women can lower the risk of stillbirth by sleeping on their side and NOT on their back.
 Embryo selection for IVF can be optimized using artificial intelligence technique
Embryo selection for IVF can be optimized using artificial intelligence techniqueA new artificial intelligence approach by Weill Cornell Medicine investigators can identify with a great degree of accuracy whether a 5-day-old, in vitro fertilized human embryo has a high potential to progress to a successful pregnancy.
 First baby born after robot-assisted uterine transplantation
First baby born after robot-assisted uterine transplantationA boy 48 centimeters long, weighing 2900 grams, is the first baby born after the technological shift in Gothenburg's world-leading research on uterine transplantation. The birth, with the planned cesarean delivery (C-section), took place on Monday April 8th and the whole family is doing fine.
 Children who live near major roadways may experience developmental delays
Children who live near major roadways may experience developmental delaysYoung children living near to a major roadway may be at an increased risk for developmental delays, compared with children who live further away from such roads.
 New program to address longstanding perinatal health disparities
New program to address longstanding perinatal health disparitiesDespite being home to a world-class medical center, renowned physicians and high-quality medical treatment, many communities in Houston experience significantly higher infant and maternal death rates.

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