martes, 24 de abril de 2018

Vaccine refusal is contagious - BMC Series blog

Vaccine refusal is contagious - BMC Series blog

Paul L. Delamater

Dr. Paul Delamater is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography and a Faculty Fellow at the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research uses Geographic Information Systems and spatial/statistical analysis to better understand the geographic aspects of population health issues, broadly focusing on health-related behavior and health care utilization.

Vaccine refusal is contagious

Research published today in BMC Public Health, which looked at vaccine-related behaviors in California over a 14 year period, finds that non-medical vaccine exemptions operate in a similar way to a contagious disease with cases emanating from high exemption areas. Here, author for the research, Paul L Delamater, tells us about the findings and what they mean in relation to vaccination policies.
Much of the current debate surrounding vaccination in the US centers on parental rights and whether parents should be compelled to vaccinate their children. Hesitancy towards vaccines is not a new phenomenon in the US or elsewhere around the world. Since vaccines were introduced, there has been a subset of the population opposed to them (for a variety of reasons). Modern vaccine hesitancy can likely be traced back to, at least partially, the now debunked research linking the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine with autism.

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