lunes, 16 de abril de 2018

Health News and Information - News Medical - Breast Cancer - Apr 16, 2018 Edition

Health News and Information - News Medical

 April 16, 2018 
 Breast Cancer 
 The latest breast cancer news from News Medical 
 Early intervention needed to help breast cancer patients manage 'chemobrain' symptomsEarly intervention needed to help breast cancer patients manage 'chemobrain' symptoms
More support is needed to help breast cancer patients and survivors manage 'chemobrain' symptoms, such as memory loss, short attention span and mental confusion, according to a study led by researchers from the National University of Singapore.
   Heart disease risk in breast cancer patients after treatment not higher than average populationHeart disease risk in breast cancer patients after treatment not higher than average population
Many breast cancer therapies cause damage to the heart. However, in the largest study of its kind so far, scientists from the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg have now shown that the risk of death from heart disease in breast cancer patients following radiotherapy or chemotherapy is no higher than it is among the average population.
   Researchers discover key enzyme driving breast cancerResearchers discover key enzyme driving breast cancer
Looking to identify new strategies to prevent breast cancer recurrence, a research team led by Subhamoy Dasgupta, PhD, Assistant Professor of Oncology in the Department of Cell Stress Biology at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, has identified two key proteins involved in glucose metabolism that could be targeted to prevent breast cancer metastasis and recurrence. The team's findings were published today in the journal Nature.
 New insights into 100-year-old mystery open novel possibilities for breast cancer treatment
New insights into 100-year-old mystery open novel possibilities for breast cancer treatmentNew insights into how cancer cells fuel their growth are opening novel possibilities for cancer treatment. A team of researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center has identified a long sought after connection between how cancer cells use the sugar glucose to generate energy - the Warburg pathway - and cancer growth.
 Breast cancer survival linked to muscle mass finds study
Breast cancer survival linked to muscle mass finds studyResearchers have found that women with breast cancer who have a low muscle mass are less likely to survive stage 2 and 3 cancers. The study titled, “Association of Muscle and Adiposity Measured by Computed Tomography with Survival in Patients with Nonmetastatic Breast Cancer,” appears in the latest issue of the journal JAMA Oncology.
 New class of drug holds potential to help patients with treatment-resistant cancers
New class of drug holds potential to help patients with treatment-resistant cancersResearchers have discovered a new class of drug that has the potential to help cancer patients who no longer respond to existing therapies.
 Breast cancers more likely to spread after surgery finds study
Breast cancers more likely to spread after surgery finds studyBreast cancer patients are more likely to experience a return and spread of their cancer within 18 months after a mastectomy or removal of the breast tumour along with healthy breast tissues. The reason for this or this association has been hitherto unexplained. According to a new study from MIT and the Whitehead Institute, the process of healing of the surgical scar after surgery is the cause for spread of the cancer.

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