martes, 3 de abril de 2018

BLAST+ database improved | NCBI Insights

BLAST+ database improved | NCBI Insights

National Institutes of Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine

04/02/2018 01:05 PM EDT

We’ve made some recent enhancements to the BLAST+ applications that allow you to: Limit your search by taxonomy using information built into the BLAST databases Search sequences by accession faster Use blastdbcmd to retrieve sequences by taxonomy from a BLAST … Continue reading 
04/02/2018 11:15 AM EDT

The April full monthly release of RxNorm is available as of Monday, April 2, 2018 and includes a new "BX Rating" Qualitative Distinction.
04/02/2018 11:00 AM EDT

Trevor Owens, PhD, will will speak at 2 PM ET on April 5th at the National Library of Medicine on “Scientists’ Hard Drives, Databases, and Blogs: Preservation
04/02/2018 09:00 AM EDT

With this article, we begin an occasional series on key events in NLM’s history that took place in 1968. What’s in a name? Since its founding as the Library of the Office of the Surgeon General of the Army in 1836, today’s National Library of Medicine has had several different names and affiliations. In 1922,…

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