domingo, 15 de julio de 2018

Practical implementation of DNA methylation and copy-number-based CNS tumor diagnostics: the Heidelberg experience. - PubMed - NCBI

Practical implementation of DNA methylation and copy-number-based CNS tumor diagnostics: the Heidelberg experience. - PubMed - NCBI

 2018 Jul 2. doi: 10.1007/s00401-018-1879-y. [Epub ahead of print]

Practical implementation of DNA methylation and copy-number-based CNS tumor diagnostics: the Heidelberg experience.

Capper D1,2,3,4Stichel D5,6Sahm F5,6Jones DTW7,8Schrimpf D5,6Sill M7,9Schmid S10Hovestadt V11,12Reuss DE5,6Koelsche C5,6,13Reinhardt A5,6Wefers AK5,6Huang K5,6Sievers P5,6Ebrahimi A5,6Schöler A10,14Teichmann D10Koch A10Hänggi D15Unterberg A16Platten M17,18Wick W19,20Witt O7,21,22Milde T7,21,22Korshunov A5,6Pfister SM7,9,21von Deimling A23,24.


Recently, we described a machine learning approach for classification of central nervous system tumors based on the analysis of genome-wide DNA methylation patterns [6]. Here, we report on DNA methylation-based central nervous system (CNS) tumor diagnostics conducted in our institution between the years 2015 and 2018. In this period, more than 1000 tumors from the neurosurgical departments in Heidelberg and Mannheim and more than 1000 tumors referred from external institutions were subjected to DNA methylation analysis for diagnostic purposes. We describe our current approach to the integrated diagnosis of CNS tumors with a focus on constellations with conflicts between morphological and molecular genetic findings. We further describe the benefit of integrating DNA copy-number alterations into diagnostic considerations and provide a catalog of copy-number changes for individual DNA methylation classes. We also point to several pitfalls accompanying the diagnostic implementation of DNA methylation profiling and give practical suggestions for recurring diagnostic scenarios.


Copy-number variation; DNA methylation; EPIC array; Tumor classification


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