domingo, 6 de marzo de 2016

Predicting dementia risk in primary care: development and validation of the Dementia Risk Score using routinely collected data | BMC Medicine | Full Text

Predicting dementia risk in primary care: development and validation of the Dementia Risk Score using routinely collected data | BMC Medicine | Full Text

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Open Access Landscape Update
Researchers from University College London have developed an algorithm that uses routinely collected data to predict a five-year risk of dementia by analyzing information gathered during routine visits to the family doctor. The method works best for patients aged 60-79 years and could enable GPs to rule out those at a very low risk of dementia. The study describing the development of the algorithm published in BMC Medicine.
The research was covered widely in the UK by outlets including the British Medical JournalThe Telegraph (in print) and The Times(in print). It was also covered in the US, for example by STAT(Morning Rounds), Health Canal and United Press International. It was covered in Spain by outlets including ABC Salud, as well as in Italy by Il Farmacista Online. It also made the front cover of theDaily Mirror in the UK

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