jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2019

Lupus serum IgG induces microglia activation through Fc fragment dependent way and modulated by B-cell activating factor | Journal of Translational Medicine | Full Text

Lupus serum IgG induces microglia activation through Fc fragment dependent way and modulated by B-cell activating factor | Journal of Translational Medicine | Full Text

Journal of Translational Medicine

Neuropsychiatric manifestations are frequent in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), yet the etiology and pathogenesis of brain damage in SLE remains unclear. Because the production of autoantibod...
Authors:Chunshu Yang, Xiaoyu Hou, Qianhui Feng, Yingzhuo Li, Xuejiao Wang, Ling Qin and Pingting Yang
Citation:Journal of Translational Medicine 2019 17:426
Content type:Research
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