domingo, 15 de abril de 2018

Oral health | Whooping cough | Your body clocks | Restaurant food choices | Prosthetic technology

Oral health | Whooping cough | Your body clocks | Restaurant food choices | Prosthetic technology

NIH logo: National Institutes of Health, Turning Discovery Into Health

Healthy Teeth and Mouth

A mature woman smiling.

Now it’s easier than ever to find materials about oral health. Learn how to avoid gum disease, manage dry mouth, prevent tooth decay, and more. (From NIH’s NIDCR)

Prevent Whooping Cough

A group of multicultural children sitting together.

Whooping cough is a serious disease. It causes violent coughing fits followed by a high-pitched whoop sound. A vaccine can prevent it. (From NIH’s NIAID)

Your Body Clocks

A clock sitting on a table.

Your body’s internal clocks help you keep alert during the daytime, feel hungry at mealtimes, and fall asleep at night. Get tips for keeping these clocks in sync. (From NIH News in Health)

Choosing Food Wisely When Dining Out

Friends eating a healthy lunch at a restaurant.

Check out these ideas for making healthy choices when you’re at a restaurant. (From NIH’s NIA)

Prosthetic Technology

An illustration of a bionic prosthetic hand.

A research team developed a feedback technology that improves the control of bionic hands. (From NIH Research Matters)

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