Major Threat to Malaria Control Programs by Plasmodium falciparum Lacking Histidine-Rich Protein 2, Eritrea - Volume 24, Number 3—March 2018 - Emerging Infectious Disease journal - CDC
Major Threat to Malaria Control Programs by Plasmodium falciparum Lacking Histidine-Rich Protein 2, Eritrea
Araia Berhane, Karen F. Anderson, Selam Mihreteab, Karryn Gresty, Eric Rogier, Salih Mohamed, Filmon Hagos, Ghirmay Embaye, Anderson Chinorumba, Assefash Zehaie, Simone Dowd, Norman C. Waters, Michelle L. Gatton, Venkatachalam Udhayakumar, Qin Cheng
, and Jane Cunningham
Author affiliations: Ministry of Health, Asmara, Eritrea (A. Berhane, S. Mihreteab, S. Mohamed, F. Hagos, G. Embaye); Australian Defence Force Malaria and Infectious Disease Institute, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (K. Anderson, K. Gresty, S. Dowd, Q. Cheng); QIMR–Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane (K. Anderson, K. Gresty, S. Dowd, Q. Cheng); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (E. Rogier, V. Udhayakumar); World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (A. Chinorumba, J. Cunningham); World Health Organization, Asmara (A. Zehaie); Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA (N.C. Waters); Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane (M.L. Gatton)
Figure 1
Figure 1. Location of study sites at Ghindae and Massawa Hospitals, Eritrea, for analysis of a major threat to malaria control programs by Plasmodium falciparum lacking histidine-rich protein 2. Inset shows the location of the study sites in Eritrea.
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