lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017

Whom to Treat: Postdiagnostic Risk Assessment with Gleason Score, Risk Models, and Genomic Classifier. - PubMed - NCBI

Whom to Treat: Postdiagnostic Risk Assessment with Gleason Score, Risk Models, and Genomic Classifier. - PubMed - NCBI

 2017 Nov;44(4):547-555. doi: 10.1016/j.ucl.2017.07.003.

Whom to Treat: Postdiagnostic Risk Assessment with Gleason Score, Risk Models, and GenomicClassifier.


Management of prostate cancer presents unique challenges because of the disease's variable natural history. Accurate risk stratification at the time of diagnosis in clinically localized disease is crucial in providing optimal counseling about management options. To accurately distinguish pathologically indolent tumors from aggressive disease, risk groups are no longer sufficient. Rather, multivariable prognostic models reflecting the complete information known at time of diagnosis offer improved accuracy and interpretability. After diagnosis, further testing with genomic assays or other biomarkers improves risk classification. These postdiagnostic risk assessment tools should not supplant shared decision making, but rather facilitate risk classification and enable more individualized care.


Genomic assays; Gleason score; Nomograms; Prostate cancer; Risk assessment; Risk models; Treatment


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