How carefully do we give consent?
by Michael Cook | 3 Sep 2016 |

When we give informed consent, how informed is it? Naturally, people would take greater care if the welfare of their children is at risk – or would they?
Jonathan Obar, of York University, in Toronto, has just published a paper about informed consent on the internet which shows that people can be extremely careless. He created a fake social network which required people to click “accept” the terms of service as a condition of access. About 98% accepted – even though the contract said that they would have to give up their first-born child and that all information gathered on the network would be shared with the National Security Agency and other security agencies in the US and abroad.
Obar concludes that “notice and choice policy is flawed, if not an absolute failure”. And he points out that “if there is little hope for adults, what chance is there for children to protect themselves?”
From an ethical point of view, IVF is made of teflon. Just about nothing sticks. It's understandable, since its product line is the joyful experience of cradling a newborn baby. However, there have always been some dark clouds hanging over IVF. What works always seems to have trumped what's safe. But clinicians are beginning to realise that some IVF techniques could be responsible for serious health problems for IVF children decades later.
As we report below, the editor of the leading journal Human Reproduction warns that changes are needed. “It’s not possible to sell a single drug on the market if you do not give the total composition of the drug, but for such an important thing as culture media, that envelopes the whole embryo, you can sell it without revealing its contents. For me, that’s unacceptable,” he says. “Compared to the rest of medicine, this is such a backward area. We can’t accept it any longer.”
Michael Cook
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