martes, 21 de junio de 2016

Register your trial with an ISRCTN, today!

BioMed Central – The Open Access Publisher
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ISRCTN Registry

An increasing number of medical journals, including BMC Hematologyand Journal of Hematology & Oncology require registration of clinical trials before publication of a protocol and/or trial result, in various subject areas.
Registration is the first step towards trial transparency and the future dissemination of health research outcomes, of which we are a strong advocate. The ISRCTN registry, which we administer, is a direct result of this commitment. Why not register your study with us, today?

About the ISRCTN Registry
The ISRCTN registry is a primary clinical trial registry recognized by WHO and ICMJE that accepts all clinical research studies (whether proposed, ongoing or completed), providing content validation and curation and the unique identification number necessary for publication. All study records in the database are freely accessible and searchable.
Why register your study with ISRCTN?
Simple and flexible submission process – contextual help, save function, integration of the ORCID identifier. Follow up messages enable you to stay updated with the progress of your registration
Browse categories at a glance and search by condition, intervention, funder and many other fields
Content is reviewed and curated by a team of expert editors
Prospective and retrospective registrations accepted
New fields, such as recruitment start and end dates and participating sites, allow prospective participants to find relevant studies
High visibility – Content freely, publicly accessible and deposited in the international WHO trial search portal and in the UK Clinical Trials Gateway, if recruiting in the UK

The preferred partner of the Department of Health (UK)

Kind regards,


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