lunes, 4 de abril de 2016

MedBr First to Know 4/4/2016

Medical Breakthroughs: First to Know

New Beginnings

     Babies are being born every day but there are three special ones I want to welcome to my world: Brinley Kate, Kennedy Grace, and Lila Anne. I look forward to watching them grow up and I hope they are part of Ivanhoe’s future!
     Watch our Medical Headline Videos:
  •      UPMC doctors are using a new test to pinpoint what is driving brain tumors. It is called Glio Seq and they then applied for a compassionate use exception for the vaccine for glioblastoma. Dr Jan Drappatz, MD, Neuro-Oncologist, says it has been shown to extend lives by a year or more.
  •      Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital doctors are learning more about childhood cancers from their saliva. Dr Gregory Hale, MD, Associate Professor of Oncology and Pediatrics, says it could mean one less blood draw and that means a lot to kids and parents alike.
  •      Florida Hospital for Children doctors are studying whether using a tape measure can determine the risk of type-2 diabetes. Dr Angela Fals, MD, and Cindy Moore, MS did a study that says it can.
     Dr Bill Thomas, MD, Geriatrician, says getting older does not mean getting worse and I like that! Read our report to get his three tips to “Aging Gracefully.”
     Dr Anath Shalev, MD at UAB, tell us all about a new treatment for type-1 diabetes using verapamil. We have her full length interview on our site this week.
     In case you missed them, you may want to check our past reports, Premium Content in Archives Premium Content in ArchivesBurning Mouth Syndrome Premium Content in ArchivesViaScan for the Heart. Premium Content in the Archives may be purchased for as little as $9 for 24-hour, unlimited access. If you would like to access Premium Content for the first time click here.
     Kristi Fitzgerald, Genetic Counselor at Nemours DuPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Delaware, used apheresis to filter out the bad cholesterol for seven-year-old Avery and is very glad she did. Read “Kids and High Cholesterol” for more important advice.
And there's more where that came from...

Marjorie Bekaert Thomas
President, Ivanhoe Broadcast News
“I am politically pro-choice; but personally pro-life. I have my faith but refuse to force it on the world at large – nor do I believe they should be made by a Church run by childless men.”
-- Julianna Baggott

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