sábado, 2 de abril de 2016

Garden Gnome Health: MedlinePlus

Garden Gnome Health: MedlinePlus

MedlinePlus Trusted Health Information for You

03/31/2016 01:24 PM EDT

Source: National Library of Medicine
Garden gnomes have special health concerns. Because they usually live outdoors, they need to worry about too much sun exposure. Severe weather can increase your risk of hypothermia and frostbite in the winter, and heat illness in the summer. Garden gnomes are also more likely to be bitten by insects or dogs.

Gardening, a favorite pastime for garden gnomes, can be good for you. It can help you stay active. It might also brighten your mood and relieve some stress. But it is important to be careful about environmental hazards, such as exposure topesticides. You may also have more trouble with allergies.

Garden gnomes work irregular shifts, often at night. This could interfere with your sleep. Sticking to a routine, avoiding caffeine before bed, and taking naps before work can help.

Garden gnomes are more likely to be overweight, and to smoke pipes. This can lead to many different health problems.Controlling your weight and quitting smoking can help reduce this risk of health problems.

The International Society for Gnome Health
Garden gnome Health

Garden Gnome Health



Garden gnomes have special health concerns. Because they usually live outdoors, they need to worry about too much sun exposure. Severe weather can increase your risk of hypothermia andfrostbite in the winter, and heat illness in the summer. Garden gnomes are also more likely to be bitten by insects or dogs.
Gardening, a favorite pastime for garden gnomes, can be good for you. It can help you stay active. It might also brighten your mood and relieve some stress. But it is important to be careful aboutenvironmental hazards, such as exposure to pesticides. You may also have more trouble withallergies.
Garden gnomes work irregular shifts, often at night. This could interfere with your sleep. Sticking to a routine, avoiding caffeine before bed, and taking naps before work can help.
Garden gnomes are more likely to be overweight, and to smoke pipes. This can lead to many different health problems. Controlling your weight and quitting smoking can help reduce this risk of health problems.
The International Society for Gnome Health

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