martes, 15 de marzo de 2016

Fogarty/NIH news: Ebola and Zika modeling, global environmental health sciences, research in Haiti

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March / April 2016

Heat map of Americas shows how Zika virus could spread from South America to the Caribbean, Mexico and the US

Ebola, Zika modelers aim to inform policy decisions

Fogarty recently convened a meeting of disease modelers and U.S. government officials to consider how to provide actionable information early on in outbreaks.
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PAHO's Dr Marcos Espinal on global partnerships to fight diseases

Dr. Marcos Espinal of WHO's Pan American Health Organization discusses PAHO's role in outbreaks such as Zika, and how critical partnerships are to global health.
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PAHO logo

Female researcher in lab coat and surgical mask looks into microscope, female close at hand also in mask observes

Commission considers how to improve global disease outbreak response

An urgent investment is needed to improve the global response to pandemics, according to the Commission on a Global Health Risk Framework for the Future.
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Profile: Fogarty engineering fellow Dr Arti Kundu tests water purity in India

Fogarty fellow and engineer Dr. Arti Kundu studies the role of unclean hands in water contamination in India.
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Dr. Arti Kundu collects samples from hand surfaces using a bag of sterile water from a female study participant in a busy street

Haitian researcher Dr. Vanessa Rouzier speaks, slide on challenges in pediatric TB projected in background

We have much to learn from research in Haiti

Fogarty Director Dr. Roger I. Glass shares his thoughts on how cutting edge research in Haiti on tuberculosis, HIV, chikungunya and other diseases benefits us all.
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Focus on the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

NIEHS, which marks its 50th anniversary this year, supports scientific discovery, training and dissemination of knowledge throughout the world on environmental health challenges.
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Many men wading in river bank rinsing large clumps of plastic bags, smoking factories in background on opposite bank

Scientists study foodborne carcinogens called aflatoxins

NIEHS has funded research to help scientists better understand how aflatoxins - by-products of mold that can grow in corn, nuts, cereals and other crops - may cause poisoning and liver cancer.
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Close up in a sunny field of ear of corn with mold growing near the tip

School program in rural Bangladesh reduces arsenic exposure, study shows

An NIEHS-supported study found that an arsenic education program based in elementary schools was successful in convincing families to switch to safe water sources.
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A group of young girls in Bangladesh reads a book together, illustrated book cover shows people pumping and carrying water

Researchers help prevent heat-related deaths in India

Local leaders in Ahmedabad, India, developed an action plan to protect people from extreme heat, guided by research funded in part by NIEHS.
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In India, a man drinks from a cup at a public outdoor drinking water station in the shade on a street corner

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