martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Short-Term Additional Treatment Reduces Asthma Attacks in Inner-City Children During Fall

Short-Term Additional Treatment Reduces Asthma Attacks in Inner-City Children During Fall


Tuesday October 27, 2015 

Short-Term Treatment Reduces Fall Asthma Attacks

Quote from NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci

Adding the drug omalizumab to ongoing guidelines-based asthma therapy for a targeted four-month period beginning just before the start of school reduced the number of fall asthma attacks in inner-city children. 

The study, led by the NIAID-supported Inner-City Asthma Consortium, also showed that children who had experienced an asthma attack in the four-to-nine-month period before omalizumab treatment started benefited most from the drug, demonstrating how doctors can individualize care for patients with certain high-risk clinical profiles.

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