martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Partners in Parkinson's Webinar Featuring Lonnie Ali

The Michael J. Fox Foundation
Grand Central Station, P.O. Box 4777
New York, NY 10163-4777

Hands 600x250
Partners in Parkinson's Webinar

"Building a Care Partnership:
Supporting a Loved One with Parkinson's"

Wednesday, November 4, 12 p.m. ET
Register Now >

Caregivers offer critical support throughout a loved one's journey with Parkinson's disease. They are a major part of any care team, helping to make adjustments to daily life and adapt to new routines. In our November 4 webinar, we will explore how caregivers can help manage a friend or family member's health after a Parkinson's diagnosis. We will also discuss how to maintain a healthy and supportive relationship with your loved one, as well as the importance of self-care.
Hear from our panelists:
Lonnie Ali
 Founder of the Muhammad Ali Center; Member of the Michael J. Fox Foundation Founders Council; Caregiver to husband Muhammad Ali
Diane Breslow, MSW, LCSW
 Parkinson's disease consultant at the Safra Wellness Program
Q & A with participants will follow the discussion.
Partners in Parkinson's was developed by The Michael J. Fox Foundation and AbbVie. Learn more at

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