domingo, 25 de mayo de 2014

Nutrition: Introduction | DNPAO | CDC

Nutrition: Introduction | DNPAO | CDC

Nutrition Topics

nutrition for everyoneNutrition for Everyone
While you know it is important to eat a healthy diet, it isn't always easy to sort through all of the information available about nutrition and food choices. The CDC has compiled a variety of resources with healthy eating tips and information.
Both babies and mothers gain many benefits from breastfeeding. CDC's Breastfeeding site has frequently asked questions, recommendations, national breastfeeding statistics as well as information on a variety of other topics.
Healthy WeightHealthy Weight
A healthy lifestyle involves many choices. Among them, choosing a balanced diet or eating plan. So how do you choose a healthy eating plan?
Healthy Youth Nutrition TopicsHealthy Youth Nutrition Topics
This section provides information about school nutrition programs and policies, and statistics related to adolescent nutrition and health.
BAM! Body and MindBAM! Body and MindExternal Web Site Icon
Designed for kids 9–13 years old, BAM! Body and Mind gives them the information they need to make healthy lifestyle choices.
The State Indicator Report on Fruits & Vegetables, 2013 Adobe PDF file [PDF- 1.23Mb] provides national and state-level information on how many  fruits and vegetables people are eating, and highlights key areas within communities and schools that can be improved to increase fruit and vegetable access, availability, and affordability.
The National Action Guide Adobe PDF file [PDF-160k] summarizes the national data on fruit and vegetable consumption and policy and environmental supports. It also provides potential actions that government and business leaders, coalitions, community-based organizations, and professionals can take to support Americans' eating more fruits and vegetables, along with resources for taking action.
Previous State Indicator Reports on Fruits and Vegetables
Food Safety
Sites designed to help consumers get the latest information on food safety and food recalls.

Nutrition, Nutrigenomics & Public Health

a family eating a healthry meal
CDC nutrition efforts cover a wide spectrum of related topics. Good nutrition is vital to good health, disease prevention, and essential for healthy growth and development of children and adolescents
Nutrigenomics: Definitions and advances of this new science.External Web Site Icon 
N. M. R. Sales et al. J Nutr Metab. March 25, 2014
Personalized nutrition: how far has nutrigenomics progressed?External Web Site Icon 
J Hesketh European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2013) 67, 430–435
US clamps down on fake nutrigenomics products,External Web Site Icon by Dr Philippa Brice, PHG Foundation, May 20
Search the HuGE Navigator for available published human genome epidemiologic studies on diet-gene interactions. Type the name of the nutrient under Literature FinderExternal Web Site Icon

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