New and NoteworthyThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just launched a new national campaign, Start Talking. Stop HIV.,which encourages gay and bisexual men in all types of relationships to talk about HIV prevention strategies. The campaign features gay and bisexual men from across the United States and promotes open discussions about HIV testing, condom use, knowing your HIV status, and taking medicines that help prevent and treat HIV (PrEP and PEP—pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis). Click here to find out more and check out the campaign ads and videos, and “like” our campaign Facebook page!
On May 14, 2014, the U.S. Public Health Service released the first clinical guidelines for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP). The new guidelines stress the importance of determining individual risk for HIV, PrEP use, adherence to medication, and regular monitoring of health and risk behaviors. Find more information on PrEP and the new guidelines by clicking here. June 27 is National HIV Testing Day (NHTD), a day to promote HIV testing among all individuals and encourage people to take pride in knowing their HIV status. Read the full newsletter for more on NHTD and where you can find HIV testing centers in your community. CDC’s Take Charge. Take the Test.™ campaign is getting a makeover! In June, the campaign will release an expanded suite of creative materials and updated messaging designed to resonate with today’s modern Black woman. For more information about the campaign and how you can access free materials, read the full newsletter. |
In the Community2014 Pride events kicked off in February with support from CDC’s Act Against AIDS (AAA) campaigns. Pride-goers in Fort Lauderdale and Miami received the latest campaign materials and information and posed for photos in front of AAA campaign backdrops. In case you missed us, find out in the full newsletter whether AAA is coming to Pride events in a city near you.  CDC’s Let’s Stop HIV Together ™ campaign is partnering with Black College Today Magazine to inform college students about the importance of HIV education and prevention. Learn more about the campaign’s ride on the Black College Today Magazine Spring Tour in the full newsletter!
More than 30 of CDC’s Let’s Stop HIV Together ™campaign participants have joined the Together Network, a diverse group of men and women who use their personal connections and affiliations to share HIV/AIDS prevention messages. Not only will you see Network members on posters, billboards, and CDC’s YouTube channel, but you can see them at speaking engagements and events in a city near you! Click here for highlights of what Network members have been up to.  A recent blog post highlights important work that Act Against AIDSLeadership Initiative (AAALI) partners are doing to address HIV awareness and prevention among women. Partners Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Black Women’s Health Imperative, and Farmworker Justice were featured in a March 19, 2014, post on, “Organizations Work to Reduce HIV/AIDS Among African American Women and Latinas.” Read more and link to the post here. AAALI member Center for Black Equity is partnering with the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public Health on a new research project to study reasons why African American men who have sex with men (MSM) are at increased risk for HIV infection. Study results will help identify how African American MSM can maintain and improve their health status. More details about this project can be found in the full newsletter. |
Clinician's Corner In May 2014, a new Medscape program will spotlight the April 2013 updated guidance for HIV screening in health care settings, issued by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. The program will include a panel of esteemed experts who will discuss the impact of these recommendations on primary care practices. Find out how you can access this roundtable discussion and receive continuing education—free of charge—in our full newsletter.  We all need health information, but did you know that most of us can’t understand it? Health literacy remains a significant barrier to disease prevention, treatment, and management. CDC encourages all health care providers, stakeholders, and partners to become more aware of health literacy issues. Read the full newsletter for health literacy resources that you can use to improve the delivery of your health information today. |
Awareness Days HIV/AIDS Awareness Days continue to be a staple of HIV/AIDS education and prevention. These days raise awareness of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and help ensure that we don’t forget that the disease affects all of us, not just HIV-infected individuals. To help you stay informed, CDC has created a new Web page dedicated to HIV/AIDS Awareness Day news and events. Read the full newsletter to access the full list of Awareness Days and resources. Don’t forget to mark your calendar!
Act Against AIDS Contact InformationIf you have any questions or comments about Act Against AIDS campaigns or for information about campaign materials or co-branding, please send an email to or call 404–639–6080. |
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