viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2019

Supporting the best science means supporting diverse talent

Supporting the best science means supporting diverse talent


Supporting the best science means supporting diverse talent

Richard Hodes, Director, and Marie A. Bernard, Deputy Director, Office Of The Director (OD)

When NIH Director Francis Collins announced on June 12 that he would no longer participate in conference panels that fail to reflect gender and other diversity, he drew considerable attention from the scientific community and the media. NIA fully supports this commitment toward greater diversity and inclusivity in the biomedical research community, not just at conferences but across the entire scientific enterprise. We believe that the best science is generated by a diversity of viewpoints and backgrounds.

A key to achieving a more diverse research workforce lies in training and early career support, so this week we highlight some opportunities aimed at expanding the number of talented scientists in the aging field. Read the full blog post.

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