martes, 24 de septiembre de 2019

GenBank submitters, is your genome assembly within the expected size range? | NCBI Insights

GenBank submitters, is your genome assembly within the expected size range? | NCBI Insights

National Library of Medicine

09/23/2019 05:25 PM EDT

Validation issues can delay the processing of your submissions to GenBank. To avoid one type of delay, use the new “expected genome size” API to check the length of your genome assembly before submission. The API compares the size of submitted genome … Continue reading 
09/23/2019 03:29 PM EDT

As part of our ongoing effort to improve your search experience, we’ve made it easier for you to find the sequence of your favorite organelle genome plus all the information and data associated with it. To find organelle genomes, search … Continue reading 
09/23/2019 12:38 PM EDT

The NLM Classification, available online at, is updated two times a year.
09/23/2019 12:30 PM EDT

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) announces World Health Organization: Picturing Health for All, a special display that opens October 1, 2019.

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