No, I have not discovered something awful about Trump or Clinton and frankly I hope no one does. We have a 3 part series this week called “Exposed.” Firefighters getting cancer, superbug risks and BPAcreeping into our foods…all are bad outcomes that we need to fear and change if we can.
Watch our Medical Headline Videos:
- Dr Alan Hemming, MD, Chief of Transplantation at UC San Diego Health, says live liver donations “allow patients to get transplants before they get too sick.” There were 359 of them last year.
- Dr Julius Few, MD, plastic surgeon at the Few Institute in Chicago says he “looked at the research that was done in Europe…the safety record was unbelievable.” That is what convinced him to start offering Silhouette Instalifts.
- Alonso Gutierrez, PhD, radiation oncology physicist at UT Health Science Center in San Antonio and Dr Richard Crownover, MD, PhD, are using the deep inspiration breath hold to protect the heart during radiation for left breast cancer patients. Studies show it could reduce the average dose of radiation to the heart by 50 percent.
In case you missed them, you may want to check our past reports, Premium Content in Archives
Aging Gracefully
Diagnosing Diabetes with a Tape Measure?. Premium Content in the Archives may be purchased for as little as $9 for 24-hour, unlimited access. If you would like to access Premium Content for the first time click here.
And there's more where that came from...
President, Ivanhoe Broadcast News
“In my world, you don’t get to call yourself “pro-life” and be against common-sense gun control….You don’t get to call yourself “pro-life” and want to shut down the Environmental Protection Agency….You don’t get to call yourself “pro-life” and oppose programs like Head Start that provide basic education, health, and nutrition for the most disadvantaged children….The term “pro-life” should be a shorthand for respect for the sanctity of life. But I will not let that label apply to people for whom sanctity for life begins at conception and ends at birth.”
-- Thomas L. Friedman
-- Thomas L. Friedman
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