martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015

NDEP News & Notes: Healthy Holiday Season Survival Tips

NDEP News & Notes: Healthy Holiday Season Survival Tips


December 2015, Volume 11, Issue 12

Use NDEP Tips and Tools to Help you Stay Healthy During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time for celebrating with family and friends. For many people, this means traveling, reuniting over holiday meals and treats, and spending less time getting active – which can make the holidays particularly hard for people working to manage or prevent diabetes. NDEP has resources to help people stay on track during this busy time. Check out the Tasty Recipes booklet,Healthy Eating at Family Gatherings and Special Events video, Buffet Table Tips, and resources to cope with stress from Diabetes HealthSense. The holidays are also a great time to talk with your family about your family health history, the Have a Holiday Heart-to-Heart feature article has important questions to ask your family.

National Diabetes Month 2015: Thank You from NDEP!

Thank you for your efforts to support and promote NDEP’s National Diabetes Month 2015 theme:Diabetes Education and Support: Everyone Has a Role. What’s Yours? NDEP partners continue to play a key role in our success by engaging communities across the country with important information about diabetes – not only during Diabetes Month, but year round.

Exploring Medication Adherence in Diabetes

NDEP's Promoting Medication Adherence in Diabetes web resource has information to help health care professionals improve medication-taking behavior in their patients. The Scientific Evidencesection has research and review articles that address a wide variety of medication adherence topics, such as assessment, barriers, and interventions.

News from NDEP Moves to New NIDDK Newsletter

Starting in 2016, News & Notes updates will be included in a newsletter coming from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). This newsletter will also include news from other programs at NIDDK. Please continue to follow NDEP on our Twitter and Facebookchannels. Also, for more information about NIDDK and its many offerings, please follow NIDDK’sTwitter and Facebook channels. 

Diabetes & the Flu

It’s flu shot season, and the NDEP reminds you that people with diabetes are at high risk for serious flu complications. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting vaccinated each year. Encourage everyone – especially people with diabetes – to get a flu shot.

Need Health Coverage? The Health Insurance Marketplace is the Place for You

Having trouble finding health insurance that fits your needs and your budget? Look no further than the Health Insurance Marketplace. All plans in the Marketplace cover essential health benefits and pre-existing conditions. Visit to find the latest, most accurate, information about the Marketplace. Learn how the Marketplace works, who can apply for coverage, how to lower your costs, and more. When you’re ready to apply and enroll in coverage, is the place for that, too!

CDC Diabetes Goes Social

Now on Facebook and Twitter – CDC’s Division of Diabetes Translation. CDC Diabetes on Facebook and @CDCDiabetes on Twitter provide a fresh, new way to keep the conversation going about diabetes care and prevention. Like us, follow us, and share us with your own networks.

Empowering People to Manage Their Diabetes: A Healthy People 2020 Webinar

Join Healthy People 2020 on Thursday, December 10 at 12:30 p.m. ET for a webinar highlighting evidence-based resources and strategies focused on diabetes self-management education. Registerand join to learn more about how communities are increasing access to and adoption of diabetes self-management programs.

NDEP Webinar Now Available

If you missed NDEP’s recent webinar, “Empowering Patients to Take Their Medicine: What Can We Do?” you can view the presentation slides here.

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