viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

Discovering associated data in PMC | NCBI Insights

Discovering associated data in PMC | NCBI Insights

National Library of Medicine

11/15/2018 04:56 PM EST

In the NLM Strategic Plan released earlier this year, we noted that “[c]reating efficient ways to link the literature with associated datasets enables knowledge generation and discovery.” To that end, PMC is now aggregating data citations, data availability statements and … Continue reading 
11/15/2018 03:48 PM EST

If you’ve been searching in Gene, Nucleotide, Protein, Genome or Assembly databases, you’ve probably noticed the new search experience we introduced in September to interpret several common language searches and offer improved results. We’re excited to announce we’ve added as-you-type … Continue reading 
11/15/2018 12:44 PM EST

MedGen is a free, comprehensive resource for one-stop access to essential information on phenotypic health topics related to medical genetics as collected from established high-quality sources. It integrates terminology from multiple primary ontologies (or nomenclatures) to facilitate standardization and more … Continue reading 
11/15/2018 11:00 AM EST

Historical medical journals provide unique perspectives on the development of expert understanding of transmission, morbidity, and impact during an epidemic. Examining the ways that medical

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