miércoles, 14 de junio de 2017

Eighteen new annotations added to RefSeq in May 2017 | NCBI Insights

Eighteen new annotations added to RefSeq in May 2017 | NCBI Insights

National Institutes of Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine

06/13/2017 04:35 PM EDT

Joining a new community with ties to my past
06/13/2017 02:50 PM EDT

On June 28, 2017, NCBI staff will show you how to use your My NCBI account to get dynamic PubMed results. In this webinar, you will learn how to automatically highlight keywords, create custom filters that can be active every time you run a search, and permanently display up to 200 items per results page.
06/13/2017 12:20 PM EDT

In May, the NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline released new annotations in RefSeq for the following organisms: Odocoileus virginianus texanus (white-tailed deer) Boleophthalmus pectinirostris (great blue-spotted mudskipper) Drosophila serrata (fly) Phascolarctos cinereus (koala) Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata (lyrate rockcress) Exaiptasia pallida (sea anemone) Sus … Continue reading 
06/13/2017 11:33 AM EDT

Join NCBI on June 28, 2017, when we’ll show you how to use your My NCBI account to get dynamic PubMed results. In this webinar, you will learn how to automatically highlight keywords, create custom filters that can be active … Continue reading 
06/13/2017 11:00 AM EDT

By Mike “Sport” Murphy Originally published in Hidden Treasure: The National Library of Medicine, 2011. To young American GIs waging World War II in the

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