April 25 is National DNA Day
National DNA Day is the perfect time to share what you know about DNA and learn more. Find resources for teachers, students, and anyone else who wants to improve their understanding of DNA, genetics, and genomics. Find out more about the role of DNA in health and disease.
Celebrate National DNA Day on April 25th!
National DNA Day is the perfect time to share what you know about DNA and learn more. Visit the National DNA Day website to find resources for teachers, students, and anyone else who wants to improve their understanding of DNA, genetics, and genomics. The website also has information for experts in genetics and genomics who are interested in outreach to schools and other places in their community. Read more about how you can participate in National DNA Day.
National DNA Day offers the chance for teachers, students, and the public to learn more about genetics and genomics through activities and resources that include:
- DNA Day Teaching Tools and Student Contests Whether you're a teacher who wants to help your students learn more about DNA or a scientist who needs ideas for how to talk to students in your community about genetics, this page has something for you! Modules for classroom outreach, lesson plans, and educational videos on scientific topics and experiments are among the many resources listed. Teachers: there are even contests where your students can show off what they've learned!
- #DNADay16 Twitter Chat Join the discussion on April 25 at 11 a.m. EDT as genomics research and education programs discuss career paths, technology development, education, and other topics.
- "Ask Me Anything" on Reddit Monday April 18th - Friday April 22nd, you can ask genetics experts questions on the Reddit science community forum "/r/Science."
- National DNA Day Pinterest Challenge for K-12 Teachers and Students Starting April 25, view the winning boards on emerging technologies from this year's Challenge. Teachers and students worked together to create "Unlock Life's Code for National DNA Day Boards," with pins about DNA, genetics, and genomics that can be used in the classroom.
- American Society of Human Genetics' DNA Day Essay Contest for High School Students Read selections from winning essays debating whether teens should be encouraged to wait to get genetic testing for adult-onset conditions until they are adults.
You can also find events in your area and tips for starting your own event if none are listed. Teachers: interested in having a genetics expert come to your classroom? Scientists: interested in sharing your knowledge of genetics with schools in your community? Check out the Genetics Education Outreach (GEON) program.
Congress approved the first National DNA Day in April 2003 to celebrate both the completion of the Human Genome Project and the 50 th anniversary of the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA. The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) at the National Institutes of Health sponsors National DNA Day.
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