martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015

Sexual assault |

Sexual assault |

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Upset woman sitting in corner
Sexual assault is never your fault. If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, get help.

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Sexual assault

Sexual assault is any type of forced or coerced sexual contact or behavior that happens without consent. Sexual assault includes rape and attempted rape, child molestation, and sexual harassment or threats. In the United States, nearly one in five women has been raped and almost half of women have experienced another type of sexual assault.1 If you have been sexually assaulted, it is not your fault.
All material contained on this page is free of copyright restrictions and may be copied, reproduced, or duplicated without permission of the Office on Women's Health in the Department of Health and Human Services. Citation of the source is appreciated.
This fact sheet was reviewed by:
Kathleen C. Basile, Ph.D., Lead Behavioral Scientist, Division of Violence Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Karen M. Galbraith, L.S.W., Training Projects Specialist, Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape/National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Joyce Lukima, M.S., M.S.W., Vice President of Services, Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape/National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Content last updated: September 18, 2015.
Content last reviewed: May 21, 2015.

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