sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015

Preventing Surgical Fires Update

Preventing Surgical Fires
Collaborating to Reduce Preventable Harm
Surgical FirePhoto Courtesy of the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation

Thank you for your interest in preventing surgical fires.  We have some changes in the way we are organized that we are very pleased to announce:
The Joint Commission (TJC) is now the  lead organization for the Preventing Surgical Fires Initiative, with Dr. Gerard Castro directing this effort.
In tandem with this change in leadership, the web pages for the Initiative are being hosted by the Council for Surgical & Perioperative Safety (CSPS), and are available now athttp://www.cspsteam.org/TJCSurgicalFireCollaborative/preventingsurgicalfires.html.  The original web pages for the Initiative, which resided on the FDA website, are being phased out with this transition.
Please update any bookmarks your may use for accessing the PSFI information, and change any references or links you may have  from your website to show the new web location shown above.
Also of interest and Shown on the New Web Location:
Newly added content on the "Resources and Tools" pages:Soham Roy, MD and Lee P. Smith, MD. "Surgical Fires in Laser Laryngeal Surgery-Are We Safe Enough?”  Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2015 Jan;152(1):67-72.
Education Programs for Healthcare ProvidersFundamental Use of Surgical Energy (FUSE) Educational Program for OR Safety – Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES)SAGES’ FUSE program was developed in collaboration with gynecologic (AAGL), urologic (AUA), anesthesia (ASA), and nursing colleagues (AORN). FUSE covers a wide variety of topics in the use of surgical energy and has a specific focus in the prevention and management of fires in the operating room. This interactive, web-based program is a multimedia-enhanced didactic curriculum, with optional CME and CEU certificates and a high-stakes, multiple choice cognitive exam (FUSE certifying exam). The program was designed to certify that a successful candidate has demonstrated the knowledge fundamental to the safe use of surgical energy-based devices in the operating room, endoscopic suite and other procedural areas.

FDA's Safe Use Initiative leads the Preventing Surgical Fires Initiative, in partnership with other FDA offices and 26 external stakeholder groups. The Preventing Surgical Fires Initiative was launched to increase awareness of the risks of surgical fires and promote the adoption of risk reduction practices throughout the healthcare community.
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