Von Willebrand Disease
Von Willebrand Disease: Genetics & Public Health - August 28, 2015
Current controversies in the diagnosis and management of von Willebrand disease.
Neff AT et al. Ther Adv Hematol 2015 Aug (4) 209-16
Neff AT et al. Ther Adv Hematol 2015 Aug (4) 209-16
Diagnosis of von Willebrand disease: Challenges and opportunities
Special CDC seminar Sep 24, 2015 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Special CDC seminar Sep 24, 2015 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Hemophilia and Von Willebrand disease in children: emergency department evaluation and management.
Schwartz KR et al. Emerg Med Pract 2015 Sep (9) 1-24
Schwartz KR et al. Emerg Med Pract 2015 Sep (9) 1-24
Treatment of hemophilia A and B and von Willebrand disease: A systematic review
Stockholm: Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment (SBU) 2011 May
Stockholm: Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment (SBU) 2011 May
Diagnostic approach to von Willebrand disease.
Ng C et al. Blood 2015 Mar 26. (13) 2029-37
Ng C et al. Blood 2015 Mar 26. (13) 2029-37
CDC information: Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is an under-diagnosed genetic blood disorder in which the blood does not clot properly. Although there is no cure for VWD, treatment can control symptoms and help people avoid problems
CDC Medscape video: Heavy menstrual bleeding? How to spot von Willebrand disease,
Sally Owens McAlister
CDC paper: Providing young women with credible health information about bleeding disorders.
Patricia A. Rhynders, et al. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Sept. 18, 2014.
Patricia A. Rhynders, et al. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Sept. 18, 2014.
CDC feature: Bleeding disorders in women
Association of vWA and TPOX polymorphisms with venous thrombosis in Mexican Mestizos.
Meraz-Ríos MA, et al. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:697689.
Meraz-Ríos MA, et al. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:697689.
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