Last Posted: Feb 16, 2019
- A Mother Learns the Identity of Her Child’s Grandmother. A Sperm Bank Threatens to Sue
J Mroz, NY Times, February 16, 2019 - More than 26 million people have taken an at-home ancestry test- The genetic genie is out of the bottle and is not going back.
A Regalado, MIT Tech Review, February 11, 2019 - Practical and Ethical Considerations of Using Personal DNA Tests with Middle-School-Aged Learners
EA Wright et al, AJHG, February 7, 2019 - Empowering Consumers: The genetic testing company rebuts an editorial’s criticisms of its health test.
A Wojcicki, New York Times, February 5, 2019 - Why You Should Be Careful About 23andMe’s Health Test
New York Times editorial, February 1, 2019 - Australians’ views and experience of personal genomic testing: survey findings from the Genioz study
J Savard et al, EJHG, January 21, 2019 - Genetic testing is the future of healthcare, but many experts say companies like 23andMe are doing more harm than good
E Brodwin, Business Insider, January 7, 2019 - 23andMe Will Add Weight-Loss Advice to Its DNA-Testing Services
KV Brown, Bloomberg, January 8, 2019 - Would a DNA test help you stick to your diet?
SE Richards, LA Times, December 29, 2018 - Good News If You Receive A DNA Kit From Santa
E Matloff, Forbes, December 21, 2018
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