jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

Ear infection | Electronic cigarettes | Suicide | Anesthesia | Cardiac arrest

Ear infection | Electronic cigarettes | Suicide | Anesthesia | Cardiac arrest

NIH logo: National Institutes of Health, Turning Discovery Into Health

Preventing Ear Infections

A young child with an earache being comforted by her mother.

Get tips for helping your child avoid the pain of an ear infection. (From NIH News in Health)

What’s in E-Cig Vapor?

Vaping smoke.

The inhaled vapor from electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) usually contains nicotine, the addictive drug in tobacco. It also may have toxic substances. (From NIH News in Health

When Someone Is in Crisis

A concerned looking man on the phone.

What to do if you’re concerned that someone you know may be suicidal. (From NIH’s NIMH)

What Is Anesthesia?

A patient who has been put under anesthesia for surgery.

Anesthetics are drugs that can keep you from feeling pain during surgery or other medical procedures. (From NIH’s NIGMS)

Device Improves Survival After Cardiac Arrest

Emergency medical service team rushing someone to an ambulance.

A study compared two devices for helping a person whose heart has stopped beating. (From NIH Research Matters)

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