domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017

GP missed woman's bowel cancer as she was 'too young' | Daily Mail Online

GP missed woman's bowel cancer as she was 'too young' | Daily Mail Online

Woman who put her exhaustion down to her busy lifestyle discovers she has bowel cancer at 32 – which doctors missed for a whole year because they thought she was 'too young' to get it

  • Cara Hoofe, from west London, was sent away by GP with iron pills for anaemia
  • This was despite family history of bowel cancer – father was diagnosed in his 40s
  • Cara discovered she had advanced cancer and needed part of bowel removed
  • It had also spread to her liver, and part of that had to be cut away too
  • She has Lynch syndrome, an inherited condition raising risks of certain cancers 
  • Speaking out to raise awareness that bowel cancer can affect younger people 

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