viernes, 13 de octubre de 2017

MMWR Summary for October 13, 2017

HIV Care Outcomes Among Hispanics or Latinos with Diagnosed HIV Infection — United States, 2015

CDC Media Relations
Improving health outcomes for Latinos living with HIV infection is necessary to achieve national HIV prevention goals in the United States. CDC researchers analyzed HIV surveillance data from 37 states and Washington, D.C., to determine recent HIV care outcomes among Latinos. Researchers found that 75 percent of Latinos ages 13 and older with diagnosed HIV infection in 2015 were linked to care within one month of diagnosis. Among Latinos ages 13 and older living with diagnosed HIV at year-end (2014) in the 37 states and Washington, D.C.:
  • 70 percent received care.
  • 58 percent were retained in care.
  • 58 percent were virally suppressed.
Latinos had lower percentages of being linked to care; retained in care; and virally suppressed in comparison to non-Hispanic whites (80 percent; 59 percent; and 65 percent respectively).
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