Additional cytogenetic abnormalities and variant t(9;22) at the diagnosis of childhood chronic myeloid leukemia: The experience of the Internationa... - PubMed - NCBI
Cancer. 2017 Sep 15;123(18):3609-3616. doi: 10.1002/cncr.30767. Epub 2017 May 12.
Additional cytogenetic abnormalities and variant t(9;22) at the diagnosis of childhood chronic myeloid leukemia: The experience of the International Registry for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Children and Adolescents.
Millot F1,
Dupraz C1,
Guilhot J1,
Suttorp M2,
Brizard F1,
Leblanc T3,
Güneş AM4,
Sedlacek P5,
De Bont E6,7,
Li CK8,
Kalwak K9,
Lausen B10,
Culic S11,
Dworzak M12,
Kaiserova E13,
De Moerloose B14,
Roula F15,
Biondi A16,
Baruchel A3,
Guilhot F1.
In the adult population with newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), variant translocations are usually not considered to be impairing the prognosis, whereas some additional cytogenetic abnormalities (ACAs) are associated with a negative impact on survival. Because of the rarity of CML in the pediatric population, such abnormalities have not been investigated in a large group of children with CML. METHODS:
The prognostic relevance of variant t(9;22) and ACAs at diagnosis was assessed in 301 children with CML in the chronic phase who were enrolled in the International Registry for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Children and Adolescents. RESULTS:
Overall, 19 children (6.3%) presented with additional cytogenetic findings at diagnosis: 5 children (1.7%) had a variant t(9;22) translocation, 13 children (4.3%) had ACAs, and 1 had both. At 3 years, for children with a classic translocation, children with ACAs, and children with a variant t(9;22) translocation who were treated with imatinib as frontline therapy, the probability of progression-free survival (PFS) was 95% (95% confidence interval [CI], 91%-97%), 100%, and 75% (95% CI, 13%-96%), respectively, and the probability of overall survival (OS) was 98% (95% CI, 95%-100%), 100% (95% CI, 43%-98%), and 75% (95% CI, 13%-96%), respectively. No statistical difference was observed between the patients with classic cytogenetic findings and those with additional chromosomal abnormalities in terms of PFS and OS. CONCLUSIONS:
In contrast to adults with CML, additional chromosomal abnormalities observed at diagnosis do not seem to have a significant prognostic impact. Cancer 2017;123:3609-16. © 2017 American Cancer Society. © 2017 American Cancer Society.
Philadelphia-positive; child; chronic myeloid leukemia; cytogenetic; imatinib
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