domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2016

Thank You for Supporting Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases This Year

BioMed Central – The Open Access Publisher

Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases


As 2016 draws to a close, we would like to thank you for your support and interest throughout the year.
Below you'll find the top three highly accessed articles* from the open access journal, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases.

As a way of thanking you this holiday season, we are offering a special APC discount until the end of February 2017 (full details below).

Highly Accessed Articles
Malignant hyperthermia: a review
Henry Rosenberg, Neil Pollock, Anja Schiemann et al.

Idiopathic non-cirrhotic portal hypertension: a review
Jeoffrey NL Schouten, Joanne Verheij and Susana Seijo

DNA ligase IV syndrome; a review
Thomas Altmann and Andrew R. Gennery

Ready to Submit?
We are delighted to offer you a 10% APC (Article Processing Charge) discount on your next submission, valid until end of February 2017.

To receive your discount, select the "I wish to request a waiver" option and enter code 4QQM16 on the payment options menu during the submission process.

Please do feel free to share this code with your colleagues.

Want to know more about publishing your next article with BioMed Central? Here are a few ways we help our authors:
Author tools – our Journal Suggester will help you to identify the best home for your research, while our new interactive eProofing tool allows you to enter your corrections easily during the production process.
Rapid publication – we offer fast publication while maintaining rigorous peer review.
Our dedicated marketing and publicity support – helps your articles reach the right audiences.
Our customer services team – provides support 24 hours a day (Monday to Friday), and local language support in Mandarin and Japanese.
Institutional membership – we partner with over 500 institutes to help make the funding and billing process as simple as possible. Check here to see if your institute is a member.

Kind regards,

Your BioMed Central Team.
* Articles are the most highly accessed in the past 30 days (access numbers are COUNTER compliant), and published in the past 12 months as of October 2016
For further information or enquiries please contact Customer Services
BioMed Central Ltd 
236 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8HB, 
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