domingo, 19 de junio de 2016

Celebrating Dads Around the World

USAID: From the American People

Father and new born child. Celebrating Dad's Around the World. Happy Father's Day.

This Father's Day, we salute men and recognize their essential role in families--in finance, health, education, and much more.

At the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), we believe that gender equality and women’s empowerment are at the core of development. Today, as we celebrate fathers everywhere, we want to underscore that men’s informed and active participation in development is crucial to creating a more equitable world for all. 

In this spirit, we wish to send special thanks to the many men around the world who continue to support women and girls’ right to equal footing with men and boys, even at the risk of going against dominant socio-cultural norms. Your dedicated service is vital to better health and improved lives for everyone. Only together can we unlock full human potential on a transformational scale.

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Jaffar Ismaeli Liyoyo, 20, with his firstborn child in Lwelu, Tanzania.
© 2016 Riccardo Gangale/VectorWorks, Courtesy of Photoshare

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