jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

NIDDK Health Information News March 2016

NIDDK Health Information News March 2016

NIDDK Keep Your Heart Healthy banner

March 2016
NIDDK Health Information News
Promoting Health
NIDDK National Media Tour Promotes Kidney Health 
The NIDDK is holding national radio and satellite media tours during National Kidney Month to help spread the word about the risk of kidney disease. The media effort will include radio interviews with NIDDK Director Dr. Griffin P. Rodgers.
Eating Just Enough for You 
Do you know the difference between a serving and a portion? This month, during National Nutrition Month, learn how to maintain a healthy weight by eating Just Enough for You.
World Kidney Day Spotlights Children and Kidney Disease
Even children can develop kidney disease. Learn how kidney disease affects children and how to determine if a child isat risk for developing the disease.
Becoming Alert to Diabetes
Every year, on the fourth Tuesday in March, the diabetes community issues a 1-day wake-up call to alert people to the seriousness of diabetes, especially when left undiagnosed or untreated. Take the diabetes risk test to find out if you—or someone you love—are at risk for type 2 diabetes.
Love Your Heart, Love Your Health
Regular physical activity may help lower your chances of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other serious health conditions. NIDDK’s Weight-control Information Network has an article on the Be Active Your Way blog site to help you and your family get moving together.
Promoting Bladder Health Among Older Adults
NIHSeniorHealth, a website created by the NIH specifically for older adults, now features fact sheets on bladder health,urinary incontinence, and urinary tract infections. The resources were developed with support from the NIDDK.
NIDDK Names New ONR Director
Christopher J. Lynch, Ph.D., is NIDDK’s new director of the Office of Nutrition Research (ONR) and chief of the Nutrition Research Branch, effective February 21, 2016. Lynch will facilitate nutrition research within the NIDDK and—through the ONR—across the NIH, in part by forming and leading a trans-NIH strategic working group.
Social Media
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Follow NIDDK’s activities to celebrate National Kidney Month and World Kidney Day at @NIDDKgov.

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