martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015

The Lancet Clinic: December update

The Lancet Clinic

The Lancet Clinic: New evidence available

The Lancet Clinic
Dear Prof Cerasale,
Join us at The Lancet Clinic for fast, easy access to the best clinical evidence and opinion from across The Lancet family of journals.
Each month, we include newly published evidence and other related material to help you make better clinical decisions. We recently added over 100 influential, innovative, and clinically important studies, covering a wide range of diseases.
Whether you’re a practising clinician, student, or junior doctor, The Lancet Clinic will help you make informed choices on the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of specific diseases.
The first 45 disease pages are available online, and a further 90 diseases will be added over the next 18 months. Each page brings together for a specific disease an overview, Seminar and Reviews, Clinical Series and Commissions, Research, Case Reports, and Clinical Pictures. The authors of newly commissioned Seminars will post regular summaries of important new evidence, ensuring you keep abreast of an evolving evidence base.
Visit The Lancet Clinic at and benefit from:
  • Best evidence: access the most influential, innovative, and clinically important studies from across The Lancet journals.
  • Regular updates: stay up to date with new material and summaries of important new evidence provided by Seminar authors.
  • Fast, easy access: browse The Lancet Clinic, access detailed disease overviews for free, and explore a wealth of cutting-edge clinical content using our new, user-friendly navigation.
Best science for better lives
In addition, we are continuing our commissioning of more specialised Clinical Reviews and Series across The Lancet family to provide a more focused and in-depth assessment for some diseases. By doing so, we hope to extend our goal to publish the best science for better lives to being an active partner in using this science for actual change.
The Lancet Clinic invites you to be part of this endeavour.
Yours sincerely,
The Lancet

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