martes, 10 de febrero de 2015

IDF Global Advocacy Newsletter - February 2015

Global Status Report on NCDs 2014
The 2014 WHO Global Status Report on NCDs was launched in January, and is the second in a triennial series tracking worldwide progress on the prevention and control of NCDs. The second Report is framed around the nine global targets for NCDs – including no rise in diabetes and obesity prevalence - to be attained by 2025 against a 2010 baseline. It will provide guidance on how national Ministries of Health can set NCD targets and lead the development and implementation of policies and interventions to attain them.  It also includes global, cost effective interventions to halt the rise of ‪‎diabetes‬ and obesity by 2025. ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬
WHO Executive Board
The WHO Executive Board’s (EB) 136th session took place in Geneva from 26 January to 3 February. The agendaincluded several discussions of relevance for diabetes and NCDs, including an update on the WHO Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity and the development of a core set of indicators for maternal, infant and child nutrition. You can access all the EB resolutions/decisions here.
Outcomes of the 136th sessions include the adoption of the WHO Director-General (DG) report on the Outcomes of the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), recommending the 168th World Health Assembly (WHA) to adopt the ICN2 outcome documents (Rome Declarationand Framework for Action) and urging Member States to implement the Framework for Action recommendations. EB also requested the DG to publish a technical note in the upcoming months on how the national NCD commitments agreed in the 2014 UN Review and 2011 Political Declarationwill be reported to the UN General Assembly in 2017, using existing survey tools and indicators at global and regional levels.
Intergovernmental Negotiations on Post 2015
The Intergovernmental Negotiations that will feed into the final content of the post 2015 framework began in January 19 to 21, with a Member States first negotiating session. The focus of the discussion was on taking stock of the consultation, discussions and negotiations held so far and to obtain initial views from Member States on their priorities for the elements of the post-2015 agenda (Declaration, Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals into the broader post-2015 development agenda, means of implementation and follow up and review).
The post-2015 intergovernmental dates and themes of the negotiations have been a defined and will focus on the following topics:

• 19-21 Jan 2015: Stocktaking
• 17-20 Feb 2015: Declaration
• 23-27 March 2015: Sustainable Development Goals and Targets
• 20-24 April 2015: Means of Implementation and Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
• 18-22 May 2015: Follow up and Review
• 22-25 June 2015: Intergovernmental negotiations on the outcome document
• 20-24 July 2015: Intergovernmental negotiations on the outcome document
• 27-31 July 2015: Intergovernmental negotiations on the outcome document
WHO Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity
The Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity (ECHO)was established by Dr Margaret Chan in May 2014 and aims to tackle childhood obesity to reduce the impact of diabetes and other NCDs. The Commission held its second meeting in Geneva on 13-14 January 2015 to review the ongoing work of the two working groups, highlighting that a multidisciplinary approach is essential to tackle childhood obesity.
The ECHO Commission is expected to publish an interim report by March 2015, which will be subject to public consultations. The final report, that will include specific interventions applicable to different contexts, will be submitted to the Director-General in November 2015 and will inform her recommendations to the 2016 World Health Assembly. IDF, which already took part in the first ECHO informal hearing with civil society that took place in October, will closely monitor the upcoming work of the Commission.
‘Spare a Rose, Save a Child’ this Valentine’s Day
Lack of access to insulin is the most common cause of death for children with diabetes in many countries around the world. This Valentine's Day, you can help us change this by supporting the Spare a Rose, Save a Child campaign and donate the value of a rose or a dozen roses to the Life For A Child programme run by the International Diabetes Federation.
Thanks to Life For A Child, more than 15,000 children in the developing world can have access to life-saving diabetes care. Visit the campaign page, donate and help spread the word using the#SpareARose hashtag.
Young Leaders in Diabetes
IDF’s Young Leaders in Diabetes Programme (YLD) is formed by 132 young people with diabetes from around the world committed to raise awareness on the diabetes burden. In 2014 Young Leaders developed 104 projects to improve the lives of people affected by diabetes locally, regionally and internationally. To see all these activities in detail you can follow the Young Leaders in social media (FacebookTwitter) and access the 2014 YLD Annual Report, which will be uploaded in the YLD website in the upcoming days.
Young Leaders will undertake more activities during 2015, including a Training at the World Diabetes Congress in Vancouver. The application process is now open and IDF Member Associations can submit applications for their candidates until April 15.
Parliamentarians for Diabetes Global Network
Parliamentarians for Diabetes Global Network (PDGN) is a major IDF advocacy programme that gathers worldwide Parliamentary representatives to act as diabetes champions in their respective country Parliaments. The work undertaken by the Parliamentarians in the last months includes some activities around World Diabetes Day - awareness raising walks, distribution of informative brochures, measurement of blood sugar level and body mass index - in many countries such as the Republic of Kosovo.
The programme, which is starting its second year, has grown during 2014 and reached an impressive number of participants, with 133 Parliamentarians from over 40 countries.

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