martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

[UPDATE] Its Recreational Water Illness and Injury Prevention Week 2014!

[UPDATE] Its Recreational Water Illness and Injury Prevention Week 2014!

RWII Prevention Week banner

May 19, 2014 
CDC’s Healthy Swimming Program is pleased to announce the start of the 10th annual Recreational Water Illness and Injury Prevention Week! 
Each year, Recreational Water Illness and Injury (RWII) Prevention Week focuses on simple steps swimmers and pool operators can take to help ensure a healthy and safe swimming experience for everyone. This year’s theme is “Healthy and Safe Swimming: We’re in it Together,” focusing on the role of swimmers, aquatics and beach staff, residential pool owners, and public health officials in preventing disease outbreaks, drowning, and pool chemical injuries.
New materials 
clean it up, swimmers

Join CDC experts and Olympic gold medal-winning swimmer Missy Franklin for a live Twitter chat – Thursday, May 29, 2-3PM ET 
 woman swimming
Gearing up for summer swim season? Join our Twitter chat to get info from CDC experts and four-time Olympic gold medalist Missy Franklin, who knows a thing or two about staying healthy and safe in the water!
We'll be here on Thursday, May 29, 2-3PM ET to answer your questions about keeping you and your family healthy and safe around the pool, beach, or waterpark. We’ll discuss:
  • Why we swim. It’s fun, it’s exercise—and it can even improve your mood. 
  • What’s in the water. Did you know chlorine doesn’t kill germs instantly? 
  • How to stay healthy. You can help keep yourself, your family, and your friends from getting sick. 
  • How to stay safe. Drowning is preventable, and you can help.  
  • What parents can do. Swim diapers, swim pants, and washing up before swimming—oh, my! 
  • And more!
To participate, follow @CDCgov on Twitter and use the hashtag #CDCswim during the chat to view and respond to tweets.
Wait—what’s a Twitter chat? Twitter chats are scheduled gatherings of people on Twitter to discuss anything that interests them, using a #hashtag to keep track of the conversation. Twitter chats offer participants a great way to share knowledge. It’s similar to a chat room in that it’s a topic-driven conversation happening in real time; it just happens to take place on Twitter. 
Not using Twitter? No problem. Just visit and click “Sign Up” to get started.
 Save the date: The World’s Largest Swimming Lesson – June 20 
world's largest swimming lesson
The World's Largest Swimming Lesson aims to draw attention to the importance of teaching children how to swim as a key component in drowning prevention. On June 20, pools, waterparks, and other aquatic facilities around the globe will host local swimming lessons simultaneously in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record.  Get involved today!

 Model Aquatic Health Code milestone reached 
The first complete “knitted” version of the Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC), the nation’s first science-based model guidance for swimming pools and other aquatic venues, was released in March for the MAHC’s second of two 60-day rounds of public comments.
 Are you an environmental health or other public health professional, aquatics facility designer or operator, scientist specializing in waterborne disease or injury prevention, other professional, or a member of the general public interested in protecting and advancing public health at aquatic venues? If so, you are invited to review this version of the MAHC and submit your comments by May 27, 2014.

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