martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

Observing National Foster Care Month 2014

Observing National Foster Care Month 2014

Dept. of Health & Human Services

Each May, National Foster Care Month serves as a reminder that there are children, youth, and families in our communities who require our collective support to achieve safety, permanence, and the tools needed to thrive in adulthood. This month is a time for us to acknowledge and express our gratitude to those who provide a helping hand to children in foster care, including professionals, foster parents, mentors, and others.

National Foster Care Month is also a time to reflect on how we can work together to better serve all children and ensure that every child has a safe, permanent family and that their well-being needs are met.

National Foster Care Month 2014 During National Foster Care Month, we encourage all Americans to seek out ways to support children in foster care and assist those who have dedicated themselves to improving the lives of these vulnerable children in need, including child welfare professionals, foster families, and mentors. Not every individual or family is in a position to foster a child in need, but everyone can play a role. To all who have given their time, love, and commitment to the children in foster care and their families, we thank you.

Visit the National Foster Care Month website to learn more:


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