sábado, 19 de junio de 2010

Turner Syndrome Society Of The United States (TSSUS) Announces 2010 Annual Conference In Indianapolis, Indiana: July 2 - July 4th

Turner Syndrome Society Of The United States (TSSUS) Announces 2010 Annual Conference In Indianapolis, Indiana: July 2 - July 4th
Main Category: Conferences
Also Included In: Genetics; Women's Health / Gynecology
Article Date: 16 Jun 2010 - 17:00 PDT

Turner syndrome (TS) is a chromosomal disorder that affects one in 2,000 female births. There are approximately 80,000 women, girls and babies affected with TS in the United States with approximately 800 new cases diagnosed each year. The primary characteristics of Turner syndrome are short stature, ovarian failure, heart defects, physical features and nonverbal learning disorders.

The keynote speaker at the conference is Dr. Claus Højbjerg Gravholt, a specialist in adult endocrinology and internal medicine. He is currently working as a consultant and senior researcher at Århus University Hospital, Denmark, Department of Medicine. He has worked clinically and scientifically with Turner syndrome for the last 17 years. Dr. Gravholt has performed clinical, genetic, epidemiological and experimental studies and has published more than 100 original publications and review papers. He has recently published "Turner Syndrome: Know Your Body." The book includes sections written by TSSUS medical advisory board members.

Many people, including physicians, are not aware of Turner syndrome and as a result, the diagnosis is often delayed. Early diagnosis and intervention is critical. Through its conference, the TSSUS is working to raise awareness of TS and inform physicians of valuable health care recommendations.

Turner Syndrome Society of the United States
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Turner Syndrome Society Of The United States (TSSUS) Announces 2010 Annual Conference In Indianapolis, Indiana: July 2 - July 4th

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