jueves, 7 de febrero de 2019

NCBI to correct existing taxonomic information on public GenBank records with average nucleotide identity analysis | NCBI Insights

NCBI to correct existing taxonomic information on public GenBank records with average nucleotide identity analysis | NCBI Insights

National Library of Medicine

02/06/2019 03:45 PM EST

We are pleased to announce the first ever pangenomics, graphs and haplotypes hackathon. From March 25-27, 2019, the NCBI will help run a bioinformatics hackathon in Santa Cruz, California, hosted by the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC).  Potential topics … Continue reading 
02/06/2019 12:23 PM EST

To ensure that taxonomic information on genome assemblies is as accurate as possible, NCBI will use average nucleotide identity (ANI) analysis to correct existing public records in GenBank. We will contact submitters of records found to be misidentified and provide … Continue reading 
02/06/2019 10:10 AM EST

The National Library of Medicine is pleased to announce the following enhancements to PubMed:
02/04/2019 11:55 AM EST

On July 1, 2019, the National Library of Medicine will retire the Loansome Doc system.

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