lunes, 26 de marzo de 2018

Show Your Support for the National DPP!

Show Your Support for the National DPP!

Division of Diabetes Translation Banner 2016

Show Your Support for the National DPP on Diabetes Alert Day!

young woman with megaphone

This Diabetes Alert Day, please support prediabetes awareness and the National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) by joining our Thunderclap! Thunderclap is a tool that shares a single message at the same time on social media to massively amplify its impact.
At 12 noon ET (9 am PT) on March 27, this post will fill social media feeds, just days before Medicare begins covering the National DPP on April 1. The CDC-led National DPP’s lifestyle change program is scientifically proven to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes in people at risk.
Please join our Thunderclap before noon on March 27 and feel free to share with friends, family, and other supporters to help get the word out. (Beyond this post, Thunderclap will not use your data or engage your social accounts in any way.) Your participation makes a difference and is truly appreciated!
join now button

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