martes, 12 de diciembre de 2017

Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Journal Supplements in MEDLINE®: Best Practices Fact Sheet

Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Journal Supplements in MEDLINE®: Best Practices Fact Sheet

National Institutes of Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine

12/11/2017 02:25 PM EST

The goal of these best practices for supplements indexed for MEDLINE is to promote the appropriate disclosure of financial conflicts of interest and to allow MEDLINE users to judge the value of findings in published articles.
12/11/2017 11:30 AM EST

NICHSR ONESearch is now one. For the past year, NICHSR OneSearch has helped people get answers to questions concerning health policy, health care costs, ongoing research, socioeconomic issues in health, disparities and inequalities, and more. NICHSR ONESearch helps you search for ongoing projects, grey literature, datasets, indices, reliable websites, meetings, training, grant opportunities, and more.…

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