Featured Resources
Our “Breast Cancer: What You Need to Know” fact sheet[PDF-234KB] lists risk factors, symptoms, and screening recommendations.
Diagnosed at age 43, Pam fought breast cancer with everything she had. Read her story in this blog post.
Share our new breast cancer images on your Web site, social network profile, or blog!
Our “Breast Cancer in Young Women” fact sheet[PDF-1.7MB] explains who may get breast cancer at a younger age.
Test your knowledge about breast cancer with this simple quiz!
This infographic lists steps you can take to lower your risk for breast and ovarian cancer.
“Because of my family history, I’m at high risk.” Breast cancer survivor Pam shares her story in this podcast.
This article about breast cancer[PDF-87KB] is free to use in any publication.
How has breast cancer touched your life? Share your story with our app.
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