sábado, 22 de julio de 2017

MeSH URIs Added to NLM Catalog Records in July 2017: Update. NLM Technical Bulletin. 2017 Jul–Aug

MeSH URIs Added to NLM Catalog Records in July 2017: Update. NLM Technical Bulletin. 2017 Jul–Aug

National Institutes of Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine

07/21/2017 04:39 PM EDT

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) successfully added Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to the MeSH subject fields in its catalog records. [Editor's note: The contents of the NLM Catalog were updated on July 20, 2017.]
07/21/2017 04:39 PM EDT

On July 12, 2017, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) presented and recorded the Webinar, "How You and Your Journal Club Can Contribute Using PubMed Commons." A recording of the Webinar is uploaded to the NCBI YouTube channel.
07/21/2017 12:00 PM EDT

RefSeq release 83 is now accessible online, via FTP and through NCBI’s programming utilities. This full release incorporates genomic, transcript, and protein data available as of July 17, 2017, and contains 132,052,465 records, including 88,385,530 proteins, 19,634,664 RNAs, and sequences … Continue reading 

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