viernes, 14 de julio de 2017

Biosensors | Color blindness | Middle-age spread | Restless legs syndrome | Liver disease

Biosensors | Color blindness | Middle-age spread | Restless legs syndrome | Liver disease

NIH logo: National Institutes of Health, Turning Discovery Into Health

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Biosensors for Better Health

A woman looking at the fitness tracker on her wrist.

Fitness trackers and other biosensors deliver results quickly and easily. Researchers are designing new biosensors to improve health and manage disease. (From NIH News in Health)

Are You Color Blind?

An image to test color blindness.

Some people can’t detect a difference between the colors red and green in a traffic signal. Get the scoop on the types of color blindness. (From NIH’s NEI)

Why Do We Get Middle-Age Spread?

Two men on the beach holding a football.

An overactive enzyme may explain why the average American adult gains 30 pounds by about age 50. (From NIH News in Health

Restless Legs Syndrome 101

A woman's legs in disheveled sheets.

Do you have legs that burn, tingle, or itch? Restless legs syndrome causes strong urges to move the legs. Such sensations are usually most severe when resting. (From NIH’s NINDS)

Fungi Linked to Liver Disease

A photomicrograph of liver tissue specimen with dark chains of fungi.

Researchers uncovered a role for fungi in the liver damage seen in alcoholic liver disease. (From NIH Research Matters)

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